people just overdo it in the battle against bad breath. Audible sigh.
Questions this story raises:
Does this woman now have super good breath? Was it the mint flavor or the citrus one? Because I could understand having a shot or two of the citrus and feeling fine about it.
Is there a support group for this? Should there be?
Is there an secret Alcoholic Dentist Cult that this news makes cringe?? "Our secrets have reached the mainstream," they might say. We must start getting rid of public figures Da Vinci Code-style by spiking their drinks with mouthwash.
If the lady would have known
this guy, as a friend or IM buddy, would she have successfully foiled the police?
I think I'm much more interested in this than I have a right to be. It's just that during my freshman year of college, my suitemates took shots of Nyquil one time when they ran out of beer/liquor.
Luckily, they didn't drive.
I think they're still asleep.