amityville horror review...

amitybeard horror
(inspired by rosie o'd)
we went to see amityville horror
at the grove multiplex
more beverly than hills
i didn't have popcorn
nor any goobers
costs more than the ticket
that's crazy talk
we sat in the seats
watched bad trailers
house of wax
scary bad
sign me up
hiyo, ryan reynolds
lover of jagged pills
damn that beard rocks
he was funny in van wilder
i admit i own it
that alias chick has huge eyebrows
caterpillars eating her face
i hope they don't
cause that wouldn't scare me
these kids look nothing like their mom
the girl is blonde, okay
but the one kid is fat
and one looks mentally impaired
scary stuff starts to happen
she says, "man he's an asshole"
"sure he is," i reply.
he's po-ssessed
with a mean paul bunyan beard
he sure likes chopping some wood
he needs to chop some ghost demons
or at least get his wife nekkid
help me help you
to not make me sleepy
eh, the climax
what aren't more people dying??
at least one kid, maybe
guess not
Amityville Horror - D+
Ryan Reynolds's beard - A
Couldn't he have just been happy with stealing Jason Lee's career? Did he really have to take his beard as well?
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They could make great buddy comedy love together, though.
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Interesting take, have plans to see it Thursday, should I change my mind?
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and all this time i thought from the radio ads that it was about some whore from Amityville.
now i don't really want to go see it.
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