"god giveth and the dmv taketh away!!!"

If I had a tent (or a warmer sleeping bag), I would be camping out the night of May 2nd at Best Buy in preparation for the arrival of L2D:Special Edition.
In fact, I think it deserves its own Grauman's nerd queue.
I celebrate the entire canon of Corey/Cory: L2D, The Lost Boys, Dream A Little Dream, Dream A Little Dream 2 and Blown Away. In that exact order.
Think about it. How can you deny a movie in which the female character's name is Mercedes Lane? Or how the entire driving exam/road-test sequence scared the ever living crapola out of me as a hoping-to-drive-someday 7 year-old? Or how the buddy character actually used the burn:
Natalie! I was wondering, if you were driving 55 miles per hour and you collided with a runaway train, would it make ANY improvement on your face?
Classic cinema.
Sad Addendum - Corey Haim gives interview outside a prison fence??
oh my god i LOVE that f'ing movie. [is it bad that im admitting that in public?!]
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