how television works...
Dear Person Who Left This Voicemail on My Machine,
I'm sorry that I haven't returned your call. But you didn't leave a phone number. First of all, I think you had the wrong number to begin with. I'm not your cable provider, your TV-set provider or your "Soul Provider." I'm just another guy with a TV. And sometimes I also get angry when I watch a show or movie I like and it doesn't instantly come on the next day. But, like all American TV viewers, I just assume that it will come on again if I keep watching long enough. Usually at the same time on the same day of the next week. Unless it's a movie. Then I rent it from Netflix and they send it to me. It's all very complicated. Like that scene in Honey I Shrunk The Kids (I agree, a good movie) in which the ant dies. I used to say as a kid, "But why couldn't they save him!!!" But I didn't know then what I know now about ants and their fragile nature. Now I do. So it's less complicated. But the movie is still awesome. Especially when they eat the giant Oreo.
Times like these I wish I had caller ID. Because I would definitely call her back and pretend I was the Easter Bunny and tell her that her TV, and only hers, was evil.
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