caleb nichol is rolling in his o.c. grave...

According to this photo site, Nick Lachey & Jessica Simpson are still totally married and contemplating buying a $10 million home in the Hollywood Hills:
The sprawling hilltop villa in the Hollywood Hills features a dramatic swimming pool, fountains and open air theatre. The home she reportedly looked at with husband Nick has a European feel with painted frescoes on several ceilings, decadent column pillars and grand courtyards. It also boasts grand sweeping staircases leading up to the front door and spectacular views of LA.
1. How this house hasn't depreciated in value after its owner croaked in the pool while listening to friggin' Coldplay is beyond me. Julie Cooper Nichol Cooper should be in this house. What happened? I'm confused. And kind of angry. I want more Marissa poolchair anger!!! What if Kaitlyn's pony gets lost and starts his own Incredible Journey back to Newport? Where will he go?
2. Does anyone else ever desire a "comedic swimming pool?" I like jokes. So I know that I do.
3. At this exact moment, is Johnny Knoxville banging this house? Cause it seems like he'd do it just to piss Nick off. Okay, I know that's weird. But I just imagined Knoxville walking around banging the fountains and the "decadent column pillars" for some reason. I blame John Waters.
Willing to bet Knoxville has humped more than one inanimate object. In fact, positive of it.
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