someone finally tackles pamela anderson (but not in the regular sexy way)...

How did I go the entire weekend without knowing about this incident? Like full on tackle? The return of Borat?? These might be pictures and I might have just printed them for a flipbook. But that is not enough. I want moving footage of this. And I want to replay it over and over. Now.
This has to be the best part:
Cohen, 33, in trunks, leather jacket and Village People-style cap, emerged from the surf on an inflatable turtle.
You have to really feel for Pamela Anderson's kids on this one. Not only do they have to live forever with the fact that every single one of their friends, at the very minimum, has seen their mom totally naked. Now, they also have to contend with the fact that she just got tackled on a beach by a guy who snuck up on her via giant inflatable turtle. Oh, and she was having a wedding for her dogs at the time. Too bad they don't have a Witness Protection Program for embarassed celebrity kids. They could be the charter members for that one.

Posted byHow did the Mirror get the scoop before you on this story? Were you out all weekend playing polo?
Posted by
Thank you keeping up with stuff...cause I would have missed this otherwise. And NO ONE should miss Borat riding up on an inflatable turtle to tackle Pam Anderson at a doggie wedding. Damn.
Posted by
"If possible, she must have plow experience."
Posted by
I like the photo where she realizes he's about to make contact. I guess Ali G's going to be less subtle this season...
Posted by
She said on Stern that it was for a bit.
Which means this is her best acting performance of all time.
Posted by
That was the biggest bunch of nonsense I have ever read. Thank you. Next time, it might be smart to know the full story (like, uh, she was in on it??) before making nonsensical (and anonymous) accustations.
Posted by
It's a shame that Anonymous feels the need to speak in such a vulgar way to shre her feelings. Real women can speak and make sense without sounding like an ignorant male-basher. I'm a woman and I can see it was all in fun...hence, no charges filed! You should learn to choose your battles before insulting others. Or maybe you should engage in some sexual activity to cure that tension! Just a suggestion.....
Posted by
That first anonymous poster needs a serious deep dicking to cool her off.
Posted by
I agree, I dont find it funny either. I hear it was planned, but if thats true how come Pam hasnt commented? Ali G. is a notorious scum bag anyway. Whats left of his career is circling the drain. Clearly hes desperate for any type of publicity he can get.
Posted by
MAAAAAAN!!!! "in kazakhstan our favourite hobby is to dance with dead goat on head" Thats My fav borat phrase, and then I learn abt this.... I've been lmao for the last 30 minutes, and it's only gettin worse....
Posted by
This is the funniest post I've ever encountered. Borat is great. Anon #1 (as she's been deemed) is probably funniest of all because... who gets that upset? Pam is a self-centered airhead, Borat is a funny, inteligent, whimsical character. Which category do you think Anon #1 falls under?
Vilo... you've grown mustach.
Posted by
This is probably something that has to do with the movie about Borat - you can see the preview on Youtube & it says in the description that he falls in love with Pam Anderson after coming to this country.
Posted by
This is probably something that has to do with the movie about Borat - you can see the preview on Youtube & it says in the description that he falls in love with Pam Anderson after coming to this country.
Posted by
Just saw the Borat movie tonight. IT IS BRILLIANT. Very funny stuff. I was never a big fan of Cohen before this, but this guy will do insane things for a laugh. This movie is how satire is done. I highly recommend it.
Posted by
Pam is actually not an airhead at all. Too bad that satire sometimes escapes even the people who think they get it when it's a bit multi-layered. Think about it. She was dressed up for a wedding of her two dogs at a beach. Hello! This was totally setup from the very beginning. Bravo Pam and Sascha!
Just came back from the movie. Extremely funny and absolutely billiant. Too bad most people won't get it for what it really is. Hint - Cohen is not the one who's stupid.
Posted by
You guys act as if Pamela wasn't in on this at all. Sacha and Pamela know each other you know...
Posted by
Wait a minute, "Ali G. is a notorious scumbag anyway". Uhh do some of you weirdos not understand that Borat AND Ali G are fictional characters or what? Ok I'll let you in on something else while I'm at it... that Donald Duck, fiction too! I wouldn't lie to you.
Posted by
Posted by I still rule on 12:05 AM
you know I was trying to figure out whether or not it was all a joke...Sacha attacking Anderson at the Block in Orange.....
Dude, shithead, learn to write coherently
Posted by
first of all, sacha is absolutely brilliant, period. secondly nothing is his movie or the show about jews should be taken offensively. sacha himself is a jew and grew up a jew. so he is making fun of his own beliefs. which should be the attitude of everyone about their religions. then maybe we wouldnt have so maby problems with religion. this is why a jew, a christian, and an atheist could never sit down for thanksgiving dinner. people need to lighten the f--ck up!!!
Posted by
The first anonymous comment is not more vulgar or extreem than the common Borat/Ali G skit.
I'm a fan and I've seen everything Sasha has done. But I also question when he's pushing the envellope too far.
Also, if you can dish it out, you better be able to deal with the reactions.
It's also ironic that many people reacted so violently this commnet and at the same time somehow deny that this culture promotes violence against women!
It's very telling how many people's solution for a critical opinion is a "good fuck" or some "deep dicking". Even when the discussion is about violence not sex.
News Flash: Sex is Great. But it's not a cure for dissent. If you don't like what a woman is saying, it's not because she isn't getting laid.
Humor and Satire are wonderful and I doubt there is anyone in the world who wouldn't benefit from a good laught.
But it's all to easy to tell people to "lighten up" and just take a joke. Maybe you should "smarten up" and consider the subtext of some of this humour.
Soldiers at Abu Ghraib thought they were being funny when photographing their violence against prisoners of war. If you don't know what I'm talking about, do your homework.
Another example is racist jokes. The jokes themselves might not break any bones, but they certainly encourage racialized violence.
If it's a free world, you better accept that not everyone is going to laugh at the joke, and someday the joke might be on you.
Posted by
I can't believe that he didnt actually get killed during making that movie (if not squashed by the fat middle age guy in 'THAT' scene).
Cohen knows exactly how to play his audience, making them say or do things that reflect their own insecurities or stupidity (of course it makes it easier if your talking about Americans)
Posted by
the movie was GREAT , as the show always has been. And i'm guessing that this wasn't real(the dog wedding). it was probably an alternate take on Borat taking her as his wife.
Posted by
this is wasn't this weekend...
Posted by
Comedy gold, but seriously, I've seen the movie, and this isn't in it? He throws her in a sack in a record store.
Posted by
I had never heard of Sacha Cohen, Ali G, or any of the rest of it. (OK, so I'm not a big fan of popular culture. I stopped watching most television and domestic cinema after being employed by the television industry in the late 1970s. That experience ruined my appreciation for marketing masquerading as entertainment).
I saw the film Borat last night and think it is probably one of the best bits of satire I've seen in maybe forever. I especially enjoyed the evangelical camp meeting and the dinner club scenes. When I found the rant (anonymous #1) on this thread, I was reminded how Americans are so easily swayed by their political, rather than moral, principles.
A couple of references here have been made of Cohen's disparaging remarks about Jews - that's not Cohen! That's Barat! Cohen is pointing out how the myths and superstitions of antiquity and not-so-antiquity craft modern biases and racism/ethnocentrism.
I just felt compelled to add my muddled thoughts to the masses.
Posted by
The thing is that Sacha Baron Cohan is just the average guy, but he is a genius and has alot of guts to do these things. Basically i think his film showed how pathetic people can be, and yet they think very highly of themselves.. that equal genius comedy, if anyone find this kind of thing offensive then there part of the problem.
Posted by
Borat tried to kidnap Pam at a booksigning with a wedding blanket that he had made for her. He ends up chasing her into the parking lot. Why is everyone saying this happened with the dog wedding? Was it an alternate ending or something that I missed?
Posted by
Someone should tell the Anonymous Gloria Steinem that since the humor of Borat is as flagrant as flagrant can be, it's ludicrous to accuse the film of harboring misogynist sub-text. The character of Borat is SUPPOSED to be a misogynist, stupid!!! Stop using other people's good-natured forums to vent your own personal neuroses. And you obviously don't realize your own hypocrisy, because feminists advocate freedom and equal rights, so that means that misogynists have the right to post their opinions here as well (even though I don't see that any actually have). Also, your hypocrisy goes even deeper, because you're apparently a sexist yourself, since you go on so much about stopping "violence against WOMEN" instead of just stopping "violence." So maybe you're the one who needs to "smarten up," and realize that this particular forum isn't exactly appropriate for your overly serious, hypersensitive diatribes. We're adults, and we'll like whatever the fuck we want, so get over yourself, because I'm willing to bet that no one here really gives a fuck about your bitter opinions. Go pop a few Midol or some shit. And anyway, what part of your insecure brain doesn't understand that Pam Anderson was IN on the joke, Nancy Drew?
Posted by
Posted by
ahahaha. I love long-winded blog flames. All is right with the world when two adult strangers who have never met and know nothing about each other can drop the f-bomb on each other for little or no reason...
This takes me back to my middle school days. (jk! LOLZ!)
Posted by
yadda-yadda-yadda, she was in on it, they're well reported to be friends, all of you pull your thumbs out.
Posted by
I have just enjoyed this extreemely funny movie, i laughed out loud a number of times....and reading this thread has made my day....soooooo hilarious how some airheads can get so worked up over fiction!! Sacha and Pamela seamed to have pulled the wedding sack over the eyes of the neurotic and insecure again.....and until you take a good look at yourself...they will do it again!! You know who you are!! NICE
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