My xmas tree would beat up your xmas tree...

Facts about my Christmas tree (my first real honest to goodness one in over 7 years)
1) It's got blue balls.
2) It's got butterflies on it. Not my doing, but hey. Whatever.
2b) In my mind, those butterflies are mean as all hell. And they'll kick you in the face and cuss at you if you try to laugh at them.
3) Since the stand is all screwed up, a Harry Potter book (one of the unreasonably long ones) is holding up the tree from falling through the wall and, perhaps, into my neighbor's bathroom. Thank you, Harry Potter.
4) Its name, like everything inanimate in my apartment, is Steve.
5) It's about 7 foot tall. Yes, it can dunk.
6) Its lights blink really really fast and give me seizures.
Merry Xmas tree to all!
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How do you differentiate it from all the other Steves, then, if you want someone to get you one of them? Are they separated b y class or version? Is there a Steve 2.0, etc?
I just spent way too much time debating that in my head.
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No. They're just all named Steve. And it's really confusing. Especially to the maid. Also named Steve.
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Yes. It's a prostitution tree. Happy Whoremas!!
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Nice Christmas tree.
Good use of the Harry Potter book
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Is that reflection of the naked dude taking the photo in the blue balls you or Steve?
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Steve reminds me of one of the porn stars from Boogie Nights - not the cool ones like Dirk Diggler or Chest Rockwell, but the skinny, scroungy meth addicts that Floyd Gondolli brings in on New Years eve to usher in the new era of video.
so... like congrats.
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bah, my tree has more lightitude and ballage than yours will ever have.
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I'll git you Eh, Steve! if it's the last thing I ever dooooooo!
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That tree is so gay, other gay Christmas trees will look at it and say "Oh my God that tree is so Gay!"
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