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I could watch "The Gauntlet II" every night...

If only for Mark from Road Rules One and his intense intensity. Did anyone else see how riled up he got on that bus last night? Dude wanted to get off THE BUS!! Let him off. That was major dra-ma. In all seriousness, I hate myself for watching this 87th incarnation of the RW/RR challenge. I was off one day the past two weeks and this was all that was on TV. I would much rather MTV have a show fully revolving around either A) the writers room when they devise the Challenge events that would (maybe) shock my mom (if she watched) aka last night's Sponge challenge or B) the producers when they were calling the cast members to see if they were free (ok, not as much drama) or C) an entire show revolving around how Mark stays looking so early 30ish when he's probably pushing 50 by now (and banging half the female cast until they cry). But really, he was seriously intense. If the bus talked, it would have said ow.

More random stuff that I'm thinking about:

-I almost bought some taquitos from 7/11 this past week. They looked so good, so hot and so appetizing on their spinning metal thingees near the hot dogs. And then I realized, what if they are really really good. And I get addicted. How embarrassing would that be? And I would get fleeced so much for change by the bums. I bet that's how they became that way. 7/11 taquito habits have got to expensive (to your future health, not so much your wallet).

-There's a Hollywood billboard for Bank of California with some bears playing in a field and the tagline is "Since 1876." It really confuses me every time I see it. My latest thought is that "the bears held up the bank" and not "the bears were the prime components for the bank's existence (since they were eating everyone's money and they needed a safe place for it)." That was last week's reasoning.

-I just sent my resume in for a job as a writer's assistant on one of my favorite sitcoms. So everyone think moderate to extremely happy thoughts. It would probably mean a decrease in pay and humility but, hey, that's what you have to do to someday wear the championship belt. Either that or walk into a wrasslin' match that's already started like a wuss and steal the belt off a guy who's just been suplexed. I don't fight like that, though. Oh no.

-Every time I see the preview for "24," I wig out. Four hours of that show in two nights is like the kind of dream inside a dream. With explosions and Jack Bauer talking all husky like he does. And boop boop doop doop's!! OMG. I just did it again. That show rocks, man.

-I finally cleared out my Tivo "Now Playing" list after three months. This past week, with the lack of new programming, I have been taping some really crappy TV. Did anyone else see that show "I Can't Believe I Wore That," hosted by Dave Coulier and Bo Derek. Just me? OK. Nevermind.
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Posted by Blogger 323 Gal on 9:10 PM

"I almost bought some taquitos from 7/11 this past week."

Just don't tell me it's the 7-11 by where we live. That place has a "B" rating. Nasty x100.  

Posted by Blogger Jonathan on 9:11 PM

Good luck with the job!  

Posted by Blogger Justin on 9:14 PM

B for DA BOMB!!!

But probably not.  

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous on 10:21 PM

i see mark at the gym all the time. he has like -0% body fat therefore i must hate him. i used to like him until he hooked up with triwhore, and all the other skanky girls on the show. mark and kit for-eva.  

Posted by Blogger JulieGong on 7:47 AM

Wow anonymous bringing back Kit. I did think they made a cute couple. Remember when they worked at the ice cream shop together while the others were wrestling alligators... awh... This is so off my original comment topic.

Although I did enjoy Mark's intensity like punching the bus the way MTV built up that episode I thought Mark was going to kill someone and all of Jodi's sexual escapades were coming out. I was disappointed.

And what was Mark wearing around his neck? A shirt? A ripped shirt? A scarf?  

Posted by Blogger markus on 8:25 AM

that mark is gonna spontaneously combust one day!  

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous on 9:14 AM

Gauntlet II is pure genius in its schlockery, but I, too, am disappointed that Mark didn't spontaneously combust liek the teasers hinted he would. Cheap advertising ploy sucking me in!

Also: food from 7-11 = bad idea, and fingers crossed for the gig. Dignity is overrated anyway. (Of course I say this like I had some at one point.)  

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous on 9:15 AM

(Er, and that would be "like" if I could speel. Sheesh.)  

Posted by Blogger Betty on 11:21 AM

Girls totally wouldn't talk to you if you become addicted to taquitos from 7/11. How very midwest?  

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous on 3:36 PM

Bo Derek always sounds extremely sedated. And Dave Coulier is just...nightmarishly awful. Yes, I'm the other person who watched that show.


Posted by Blogger Justin on 4:46 PM

Keith - Motherpussbucket??

Julie - Whatever it was, it was very intense. Intense Scarves!!!

Carly - If you ever need a male voice in your mag columns, ummm, I'm the man? Yep, I'm the man.

Betty - When did taquitos become midwest??? I am so asleep on the delicacy trends.

Meme - That's what Heather is for. Zing!!  

Posted by Blogger hilary on 6:27 PM

from netstate.com:
"A symbol of strength and independence, the grizzly bear is the Official State Animal and is the prominent feature on the California State Flag. Grizzly bears were, at one time, common in the state but the mass movement of people into California during the gold rush strained their habitat and caused their numbers to decline sharply. Today there are no wild grizzly bears left in California."

maybe that's why the bears? /shrug  

Posted by Blogger Justin on 6:37 PM

That says nothing about the bears using the bank's ATM. Nothing, Hilary!!  

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous on 11:34 PM

I ALMOST didn't watch this season because Eric Neis isn't on, but then I saw Timmy and I was like FUCK YEAH.  

Posted by Blogger Avatar on 11:48 AM

I just wonder if Mark Long's employers over at Fine Living watch his juvenile display and are proud of the way he behaves.

Did you kow he was married? Allegedly, she left him because he couldn't stop banging the incestuous pool of former RW/RR cast members.  

Posted by Blogger Justin on 11:58 AM

Being one of the plethora of dudes to bang Tonya (RW Chicago), he's lucky he's still walking upright.  

Posted by Blogger hannah on 12:50 PM

Um, apparently, Tonya enjoys Johnny Fairplay and having lines of coke snorted off of her lady area. May or may not be a verifable rumor from all the gossip rags. I'd bank on it being true.  

Posted by Blogger 0000 on 1:22 PM

Good luck on your job hunt.

Mark's probably a fucking millionaire by now for all of the royalties from ALLLLL the RR reunions and challenges he's been on.  

Posted by Blogger Douglas Reinhardt on 6:28 PM

the next gaunlet should be like, one of the ex road rulers/real worlds has an std and you know, lets play guess who's the virius host.

its sorta like "death of the twitch nerve," just more drama  

Posted by Blogger d on 1:22 PM

What's your favorite show? Email me, I did four years hard time behind the keyboard, I know lots of writers assistants...  

Posted by Blogger chenlina on 6:56 PM

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